Saturday, November 23, 2013


The reason I haven't posted in a while is not because I've been lazy but because I often feel like my interest is not taken seriously. I'm not an art kid nor am I a techie who gets experience with costuming. I'm a vocalist who just loves fashion. But fashion isn't silly and it's what I love to do so why should I care if people think I won't make it or think my career choice is all silly materialism?  I often get asked what I want to do when I grow up and I usually make up something like marketing or psychology just so I don't have to say fashion cause whenever I do people give me a fake interested look. But then I see my best friend who has such a passion for music and performing that seeing her do what she loves inspires me to do what I love.  So here's to the people that love and support me.  Thank you xoxo


  1. you are GORGEOUS. from a secret admirer in norway

  2. Go for it. Don't let's others opinion get in the way of doing what you want.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Katinka! It's willow. I wanted to be a fashion designer from age seven to about age seventeen (and I still kind of am one), and I definitely know what you're talking about in regards to people not taking you seriously. It's so silly. The fashion industry can be very shallow, I'll admit, but fashion itself is beautiful. I have learned so much about the world by examining all the different clothing styles that people have worn throughout the ages. It's a serious pursuit that requires a keen artistic eye as well as a mathematical sense of proportion and scale. If you truly want to be in fashion, you should go for it. I've gone on to different things but I'll always love it and will continue to pursue it on the side. Don't listen to what uninformed people say! Do what your heart tells you to.

  5. Hola Katinka, acabo de ver tu blog, te felicito y solo te quiero motivar a que sigas tus sueños. No matter what. We love you, Lalo,Mily,Eduardo y Emilia
