Sunday, June 1, 2014


Photo credits: Renee Piper

I haven't posted anything in a while because of well, school-not the best excuse, I know. Anyway, now it's summer and I have had more time to be inspired again. But something I've always enjoyed about posting is that I write about something that I've been thinking about recently or my opinion on something. I don't know if anyone reads what I write, but to those who do: you now have possession of my thoughts- do whatever you want with that. 

Something that I've been thinking about more and more over these couple of days is the whole concept of interests and what makes them cool and what doesn't. For example, I personally don't love Vampire Weekend but to others it's their absolute favorite band. Now, if someone were to come up to me and tell me their favorite band was Vampire Weekend, I would probably cringe inside and decide what kind of person they are based on that one simple interest. Why would I judge someone based on that one choice? They can totally argue how they are the best band that has ever existed, but in my head I'd be arguing against that. Then the reverse will happen: I'll name something I like and their view of me will oscillate based on what I say. 

But friends are often made this way; you can tell whether your friendship will be a success or not based on common interests. Putting the creation of friendships aside, the pressure of having common interests is so unconsciously necessary that people will go as far as faking what they like or changing who they are in order to "fit in". There's probably that secret person out there who loves Nickelback but can never tell anyone for fear of being looked at differently. 

Interests are all about happiness. That's why you like things; the things you like are ultimately based on what brings you happiness. I used to be scared of telling people what I liked because at the time everyone was liking specific things that I despised. As I grew up, I realized that all these different things are what make me who I am. I become my own character with the things I like. You don't stand out when you wear or listen to the same things the other six people in your friend group like. 


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